I'm having a great month this month teaching classes, and working on new illustration projects but inspiration is always welcomed. Here are today's illustration finds from wonderful artists I think you guys should definitely check out.

How To Draw A Unicorn Step by Step For Beginners....
Hey, guys check out my July 2019 Bullet Journal Set Up, and Plan With Me!

Hey, guys so this week I was busy trying to get my life more organized especially since I am moving soon. I am still new to bullet journalling, but I wanted to try it out since it makes organizing my thoughts a lot more creative, and less boring. I didn't want to buy notebooks upon notebooks to lug around everywhere I go so I thought why not go paperless? So this is when I got the idea to create a digital bullet journal from my phone since it's a lot more convinient, and since I'm not a loyal apple fangirl (I like android too) I got an app that works seamlessly accross both ios, and android.
I hope you guys get inspired, and enjoy this June bullet journal...digital edition.

I was listening to "Imported" by Jessie Reyez, and 6Lack on soundcloud, and this is what my fingers conjured up.
Lately I haven't been motivated to draw since there's been a lot going on in my life, and work. I am tired of bitching, and complaining about it so....here's to being lost, and getting my crap together.
I was focusing on drawing differently in an art style that is not true to myself, but I've been drawing in a way I hate so much that when I thought about art I wanted to throw up. Art became my nightmare.
I'm done comparing myself to this unrealistic idea I have in my head. Screw it all...
That being said I'm just going to draw all the sh*t that I love my way. Thanks for reading my quick rant. Wish you all the best!
"Sloppy, but it's a vibe."