Alright, so today I wanted to get a little bit creative, and take a break from drawing so I went back to manipulating photos in Photoshop. In the video below I have a quick breakdown of how I created this ebook cover design along with a few tips.
While creating this video my computer shut off, and I had to do it all over again so excuse some of the sloppiness. I was so irritated, but the results were close enough to the original so I uploaded it anyways.
Meanwhile here are a few more book cover design tips:
- Make your cover a bit more unique when using stock images by combining 3 or more images.That way when you go to amazon you won't be competing with another book that has the exact same book cover (if you only use one generic stock image this is bound to happen. You can google the horror stories of using only one stock image, but if you don't care you can ignore this advice).
- While designing your book cover periodically save it, and view it as a small thumbnail. Then ask yourself..."Would I click on this book while browsing amazon or ibooks? Does anything stand out? Does it entice me to click on it, and see more?" If it doesn't catch your attention as a small thumbnail it will most likely not catch anyone else's attention.
- Get feedback, and honesty from your friends or family. Do not let them know you designed it (if you do they'll spare your feelings since they care about you, and your emotions. You want their honesty not their praise). Just ask what they think about the book cover. Would they be willing to buy solely based on the cover itself? Why or why not?
- Use that feedback to improve when designing book covers.