Hey, guys today I'll be sharing all the projects I worked on which failed miserably, and didn't make the cut with the either people I worked with or myself. Some I still like while others are like, "meh."
This was a book cover that I made which failed miserably. What's going on with it you ask? I don't even know. It's a horrific murderous comedy all in one.

Eyeballs that I illustrated for chapter three of lolitups, but got frustrated so chapter three of Lolitups got cut off short, and this pic will be either revamped or won't make it to chapter four:
A yin and yang tattoo pattern I tried to draw, but this was also a failure. I tried to salvage it, but...gave up in the end.
Another logo design that I thought was okay, but failed to fool the geniuses
Another book cover I designed, but it's shining lights were just too dim. It failed to shine through, but I still like it.
Ha! Still the love of my life...
This was a magazine cover that also went to the loo:
Another book cover!!!! I thought is was okay, but it was rejected anyways.
An illustrated logo I designed. She asked for a strong lady, but I guess she was too macho.
We both loved this one, but it didn't fit "their brand." It was too "fun, and creative."

No complaints here. This was actually trash:
When it comes to logos, can you guys tell...I don't really try? I don't know what I was thinking with this one. Vape = Smoke no?
RIP to my horrible photoshopping in this book cover that scared them away.
I liked this book cover, but she wasn't feeling him so I covered up his face. It still wasn't enough to mask, and save the ugliness she saw in him.
Alright so that wraps it up.
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